IJCAI 2024 Industry Day

Date: 07 August, 2024
Venue: 3F-Room 303A

Time Speaker Title & Affiliation Topic
09:00-09:05 Xiaoxiao Li Industry Day Chair, IJCAI Organization Opening Remarks

Lei Chen

Head of AI Research, Finvolution

Competition Award Ceremony


Chunping Wang

Principal Scientist, Finvolution

From Risk to Reward: The Impact of Generative AI on the Credit Industry

09:50-10:20 Pin Lu Senior Product Manager, ScienceDirect Elsevier GenAI Integration in ScienceDirect
10:20-10:40 Shanyan Guan Researcher of Image Technology, Vivo Next-Gen Camera Systems: Instilling Intuitive Imagination in Smartphones
10:40-11:00 Zhenyu Yang Principal Researcher, AI Center, OPPO Generative AI for smartphone: Challenges, Opportunities and Practices of OPPO
11:00-11:30   Coffee Break  
11:30-12:00 Jun Zhang Senior Engineer, Baidu Deep Learning Platform + Large AI Models Accelerates Industrial Intelligence
12:00-14:00   Lunch Break  
14:00-14:25 Jasik Choi CEO, Ineeji Explainable AI in Manufacturing Industry
14:25-14:50 John Ha CEO, Bear Robotics Servi: Hospitality Robotics in Korea
14.50-15.15 Soon Young Oh Advisor, KB Koomin Bank AI Services in the Financial Industry in Korea
15:15-15:40 Yongsoo Kim Research director, AI & Robotics Convergence R&D Lab, POSCO AI and Robot based Intelligent Factory at POSCO: Use Cases and Insights
15:40-16:30 Jung-Woo Ha Head, Future AI Center, NAVER Panel Discussion: Challenges and Future of Industry AI in Korea